Airboat, Week 5

This week is dedicated to finishing up the captain's cabin. Added some detailing and closed the gaps on the front.

Star Carrier, Week 2

Started to work on the top of the Star Carrier. Used pieces from GW tanks, bridge from the original Enterprise kit, and bottom parts of a Tomcat jet.

Star Carrier, Week 1


Another new project, another diversion. A spaceship built based on the USS Enterpirse Aircraft Carrier. The original carrier will be used upside down. The initial work was done on the bottom side of the ship.

The top is empty right now, most initial work was done on the botttom side



Here's another paper model project. This is a beer brewery based on infographical charts found on the web. I tried to make the rooms and tools as close to the real thing but naturally, at the end; it is not.